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How to BBQ On A Budget

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How to BBQ on A budget

Now that the season is right for firing up the old grill. We need to find something to put on it. Not all of us are willing to drop a small fortune on Wagyu beef or Kurobuta pork. In fact most of us are are always trying to BBQ on a budget. Fortunately, there are less expensive alternatives. You don’t have to break the bank to have a backyard BBQ that’ll get all the raves.

 Let me say that I am not endorsing any brand of anything in this article I am just sharing my experience with the brands that I find locally. Please take this information and use it according to the brands and prices in your area. Save On Fuels

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Get Good Charcoal

If you are using a charcoal grill, make sure that you are using a brand of charcoal that will get the job done. So much money is wasted on cheap charcoal that won’t stay lit or burns faster than newspaper. I have tried many brands and I must say that [Kingsford] works best for me, but you may be in an area where another brand is king. Just make sure that it burns longer so you can use less. That way, if you’re just going to BBQ a few burgers or dogs you don’t have to use a whole bag of charcoal. This is really the way to go if you’re going to BBQ on a budget.  

Though it may cost a few pennies more per bag than the generic brands good charcoal will save you tons in the long run because you won’t have to use nearly as much to get the job done.

Skip The Lighter Fluid?

If you are like me, you were raised starting the grill coals with lighter fluid. Well I’ve found that not only is this very costly, but it leaves a petrol flavor on your food. This was something that I never noticed because as I said I was raised starting the fire using this method. The [safer] and more cost-effective way to start a charcoal grill is with a chimney starter. A decent one will cost around $20.00 and last for years. It won’t leave that petrol taste on your food it won’t accidentally go up in flames and you don’t have to worry about running out right when you need to start your fire. You can see our post on how to use a chimney starter.

Buy Less expensive cuts of meat

Like I said before you don’t have to spend mega millions to have a tasty backyard BBQ. It only takes bit of those hard-earned dollars, and if you’re willing to put a little TLC into your cooking you can do it on a very small budget. I am a frugal shopper my wife calls me stingy whatever you call it the results are that she gets to spend more elsewhere.

BBQ Beef on a Budget

Let’s talk about beef. If you are going to BBQ on a budget, you can buy lower grades such as utility or select. These grades have less marbling and tend to be more on the tough side. I’ve found that a good sirloin is always the go to when budget shopping. Sirloin is naturally lean and Depending on where you are you can get some choice cuts for a decent price. I could go on and on but if you want to learn more about the cuts of beef please check out the article on [best steak for the grill]

BBQ Hot dogs on a Budget

A great American favorite is the hot dog. There are many, many brands to choose from. One of the better-known brands is [Nathan’s] but if you are on a budget I would suggest you stay away, even though these are some of the best hot dogs I’ve ever tasted they can be a little pricey. Here in California a 12oz. package can run you about $4.39.  A good budget friendly alternative is the Bar-s brand. They may not be as tasty as Nathan’s but at $.99 for a 12oz package the kids will never know the difference.

BBQ Ribs on a Budget

Before we move on to something else, I want to touch on the American backyard BBQ staple. Believe me you don’t have to give up your fist born to purchase a good rack of ribs. All you have to do is know what you’re looking for. I always look for sales. What I see on sale the most is pork spareribs. You gotta love the spareribs.  When I find them on sale for about $.99lb I try to stock up. I never buy St Louis style ribs. Because they run around $3.49lb or more. All they are is spareribs with the tips cut off. So why not pay $.99lb and cut the tips off and eat them myself. WOW!! Now that’s the kind of thinking that makes millionaires.

I hope this was a help to you and you can take away something about how to BBQ on a budget. Please check our recipes

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